
Eva van Ooijen was brought up in a household full of fantasy. There came a time her trust was broken and she understood she could not believe everything she was told. This is where her interest in what forms an authentic experience comes from. More recently developed into the question: what makes an (art)work authentic, and who’s its author? And regarding that author, who gets to be heard and seen, and who gets to be believed.
Eva looks at these subjects from different perspectives by multiplying herself.

Key words: authenticity, authorship, power, the art world and feminism.  

2020 - 2022 Royal Academy of Art The Hague, Master Artistic Research
2005 - 2009 Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU), Bdes Photography

Next to my artistic practise I work as a mentor at the Fotoacademie in Amsterdam.  

Exhibitions/Grants (selection)
2024 Ever Emerging Mag exhibition, Equals Amsterdam, curated by Marguerite Nolan  
2024 Looking for Ulrixa, Kunstpodium T, Tilburg.
2024 Lente Salon, Amstelkerk, Amsterdam.
2024 Update, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam. 
2023 Kunstruimte 411, Open, Curated by: René Bosch
2023 Arti et Amicitiae, Salon
2023 Amarte Development grant.
Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, Master Artistic Research graduation exhib., Curated by Jo-Lene Ong.
2022 Nest, The Hague, A Scenic Route to Self, curated by Maria Rey Lamslag. 
2021 De Helena, The Hague. In Pending Waters, curated by Jay Tan and Geo Wyeth.
2021 Quartair, The Hague.Sun Kissed// Fog Off, curated by Maaike Gouwenberg.
2020 Rizoom, Arnhem, False Beliefs.
2020  Fragmented Traveling, Marspoortgalerie, Zutphen
2018 Josilda da Conceicao Gallery, Amsterdam. 
2017 This Art Fair, Amsterdam, Fragmented Traveling.
2017 Vondel CS, Amsterdam, Horizontale Vluchtigheid, Curated by: Aynouk Tan.

2020 Digital Artist Residency, Research Residency.
2017 De Torenkamer, Amsterdam, Residency.
2016 Artist Residency in Motherhood .

2023 Ever Emerging Mag - Women’s Month special, interview and selection of works.
2022 Metropolis M, Graduation Shows 2022 ­– KABK, Review by Lena van Tijen
2020 New Art Examiner, Making art, negotiating space, and finding comfort in the age of covid-19. Interview by Katie Zazenski
2020 Der Greif, Geust-Room, Re-Imaging, selected photographs 
2018 Self Publish Be Happy Select, Fragmented Traveling, selection of photographs
2016 Kiekie Tabloid, Instagram een logboek van gedachten, selection of photographs 

Mosquito Newspaper, Intentionality, Essay (print)
2022 ‘I can smell Your house on Your hat’, The graduation publication of Master Artistic Research students. (print)
2021 Reading days, Keywords 2020-2021, a publication by the Master Artistic Research, Royal Academy of the Arts, The Hague. (print)