The Exhibitionist Issue (2016)

I recently finished the MoMa course ‘Seeing Through Photographs’ and was inspired by the lessons and work of Robert Heinecken.

In his serie ‘Are You Rea’ he takes magazine pages and by making a photogram of them he fuses the front and the back of the page together into one image.

When looking in magazines now I am not interested in the single images, but in what happens when turning the page to the light, and, by doing so, fusing the front and the back of the page together into one image. What does this new image look like and what does it tell me?

I started to collect the pages that spoke to me the most and started expirimenting with ways to fuse the front and the back of the page to one image using my scanner. In a time where everyone can pick up a camera and take pictures of everything it is refreshing to have limited options. A small selection of my expiriments are shown below.

(Work in progress)